Another way of ensuring the CBD oil that you are purchasing was grown in a safe, controlled, and high quality environment is by verifying the CoA (Certificate of Analysis) or CoV (Certificate of Verification), which should be provided on the producer’s website.
As a consumer you cannot trust any CoV, as nowadays everything can be photoshopped. Third party independent laboratory tests cost up to four figures, so when a company has invested in a CoV/CoA it is a mark of high quality and consideration for the customer.
Let's have a look at the Certificate of Analysis for Reakiro's 300 mg CBD Oil.
2. Sample Information helps you, the consumer, ensure that this certificate is for the product in question - and that this certificate has not been procured elsewhere for a different batch.
3. Cannabinoid Profile is the exact chemical make-up of the CBD based product. Two results you should check are the CBD and d9 THC results. In order for CBD oil to be legally sold and distributed across Europe and the US, the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) level must be less than 0.2%.
4. Date and Signature helps verify that this batch has been quality tested by a certified person. Having a name on file gives traceability which establishes reliability.