Collection: CBD Blog

Cannabis Oil or CBD?
There’s been a lot of talks lately about the oil market. No, not the petroleum oil that helps your car run better, the Cannabis oil that helps you run better. Wait, Cannabis oil? Is that the same as CBD oil? Let’s go back a bit.

What is 420 and where does the term come from?
What is 420? Is this number some type of a code...or is it a time of the day?

Hemp vs Marijuana - What is the Big Difference?
Are you wondering about the difference between hemp and marijuana?

How to identify the true potency and quality of CBD?
In this article, we will review first of all why there are different potencies across CBD products, and then we will move onto looking at how and why quality can vary so much between manufacturers and products. So let’s waste no time and delve in!

The Long and Exciting History of Hemp
Hemp is a Cannabis Sativa and is one of the oldest and most useful plants known to man. By various estimates, people have been employing it for 10 and some say 12 thousand years. It is believed that the birthplace of the wild hemp seed is Central Asia, from where it was spread throughout the world by sailors. Its mentions at the times can be found in every corner of the world.