Top Five Celebrities Who Are Using CBD
Like it or not, celebrity trends and influence very much shapes the society we live in today - and this is no different for CBD. In fact, celebrity candour and endorsement surrounding CBD has helped bring it to the position it holds in the mainstream today. Bringing awareness and education to CBD is one of the most important factors to reducing the stigma around it. By speaking about their experiences with CBD, celebrities have helped push for not only a change in attitudes but a change in regulations and legislation. So who’s using it and what for - here is our top five pick:
Whoopi Goldberg

This legendary actress and Academy Award winner originally began to champion the use of CBD as a method of relief from stress and anxiety, but has since said that she also incorporates it into her life to ‘switch off’ from her hectic schedule. Goldberg found relief in CBD when suffering from glaucoma and menstrual cramps to such a positive extent that she founded her own medical marijuana company.
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston has barely changed since she stepped onto our screens as Rachel Green in Friends way back in 1994 - and we love and envy her for it. Back in the day Aniston spoke about smoking cannabis, but now older, and arguably wiser, she has chosen to go with the THC-free version. The actress uses CBD to help with pain, stress and anxiety.
Tommy Chong

Tommy Chong rose to fame in the 1970s as half of the Grammy award winning comedy duo “Cheech and Chong” - who were notable for their love of cannabis. When Chong was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2010, he decided to use natural medicine and also take the opportunity to use his illness as an education into CBD as a treatment. Chong used CBD hemp oil, cannabis therapy, and other lifestyle changes. A year after the diagnosis, the cancer disappeared, and Chong attributed this to CBD. Unfortunately in 2015 he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He is now using a more aggressive forms of treatment, and “using cannabis like crazy” to deal with the side effects.
Seth Rogen

It’s not new information that Canadian comedian Seth Rogen enjoys smoking marijuana. What is perhaps more surprising is that Rogen is a big advocate for the use of CBD. In 2014 when his mother-in-law was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s he testified in front of congress in favour of a change in legislation surrounding CBD. He also argued for an increase in funding for Alzheimer’s care, which includes more research into CBD.
Dakota Johnson

Forget grey, for Dakota Johnson it’s 50 shades of CBD. The actress spoke in an interview about using CBD to help adjust and get her much needed rest when she is travelling. CBD has been linked to homeostasis and general relaxation which both work to improve sleep quality.
Evidently CBD can be used for a variety of purposes and each of these celebrities has a different reason for championing this naturally occurring compound. If this has persuaded you to give the CBD lifestyle a go, head over to browse our range. Whether you’re looking to try out CBD oil for the first time, or venture into CBD skin care - Reakiro has you covered.